Saturday, 23 September 2017

The Mansion, Residency Road- Pune.

Somewhere, a bat shrieks
Underneath me, the floorboards creak
My only candle starts to gutter
In the dark, I hear a mutter
The candle flickers, then goes out
Upstairs, I hear a shout
The air around me is so cold
I know the house is very old
Cobwebs grab me as I run
I am not having any fun
Up ahead, I see some light
Just what I need in my plight
But it is not as I detected
But, of course, to be expected
A shining figure in the black
A ghost, I think, turning back
I run as I have never before
And soon I find the old front door
I race out into the cloudy night
Panting with fatigue and fright
I think, as it starts to rain
I am not going in there again
Even if I was a mouse
I would not enter the Haunted House.

      This abandoned mansion is scary than you think near the Residency Club which is said to be possessed by the spirit of an evil old lady. The place has an eerie quietness in night when crazy laughter and screams have been reported to be heard. This is definitely one of the most haunted places in Pune!       

      This haunted mansion near Residency club in Pune is processed by an evil spirit of a woman. The bungalow is now almost ruined in the dark it becomes more spooky in night. In daytime too people don't enter inside this house. All-time an eerie sensation prevails there. Some men passing nearby that mansion saw a woman sitting on the top of the house. Her staring shivered their spines. When they shouted in fear, and look again backed there was no one.      

       At very night, ghostly sobbing, laughs and screaming are heard from the terrible house. Some experts visited there told a strong negative energy always tried to capture their attention. But what happened with her? Who was she when she was alive? All this questions are still a mystery. Not even local’s know what practically happened. And, you are more than welcome to explore it but be careful; that lady isn’t welcoming. I warned you!


  1. Where it is ? Can anyone give me the direction ?

    1. This place is in pune, residency road, near residency club.

    2. It is near residency club pune just near its wall compounds. One km walk from pune station from alankar theater lane.

  2. I've visited this place some months ago.. when I reached there and entered the house, I saw a couple coming out, they didn't look so bothered, but when they left, I was all alone. I took a look around and started climbing the stairs, they were damn creaky! As if they'll break any moment and you'll go down..I was a little drunk cause of a morning party on that be honest! It literally felt as if something over there wanted me to leave the place! I wasn't that drunk to hallucinate...but I still couldn't explore every corner of the house, I just wanted to leave and I left in just 20 minutes. I'm again planning to venture out here and record the experience...
    You exploring paranormal world, you gotta be alone!

    1. Anyway it is recorded properly in the office of Pune cantonment board.
      You will get the name of the owner and his nominees.

  3. if there is floor plan to this place?

    1. मुझे इस जगह पर जाना है

  4. मुझे इस जगह पर जाना है कोई मुझे इस जगह की लोकेशन भेज दो

  5. Bhai meri toh gand hi fat gayi yeh pad ke abhi raat ko chadi main mootna padega kyonki akela bathroom jane main fategi

  6. i m also thinking to visit this place, Can Any one tell about any challenges there ?

    1. You just need to look up the residency club pune, this ruined mansion is just behind residency club. Expect a Lot of dogs and mentally unfit scary looking beggars also live in and around the mansion. Beware of horny couples that usually go there for some action, as you might get beaten up for trespassing their so called privacy. For location simply google pune LIB OFFICE premises on queens garden road and the place is just opposite the LIB entrance gate or search residency club pune and the place is right behind or next to the residency club pune.

  7. Where exactly is it from the residency club??
